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This is a place to read and submit reviews of any kind.  Mainly I will be sticking to music, movies, books, and websites, but anything can be put up if submitted.


13 Moon

This movie had a lot of potential for being really awesome, but it was done very monotone. Kind of reminded me of "Four Rooms" the way it went from person to person, each having their own story yet all being connected in some way. It got to be predictable about half way through, but there was enough comedy and surprises to keep my attention. Over all a very decent movie and well worth the rent. 

- Submitted by Mary on August 24th, 2005
This is a very cool site which also won the "Journal of The Week" award recently. It is a bravenet blog about a person's journey in learning to astral project. There are a ton of links and other resources for personal research on the site and the blog is updated frequently.
- Submitted by Mary on July 12,2005


"The Cat Inside" by William S. Burroughs

Burroughs also wrote "Naked Lunch" which has been turned into a movie well worth seeing.  "The Cat Inside" is a book I read for an English project in college. Written in journal style, but with no dates.  It's cats, and their characteristics, how they relate to humans.  Gives the reader a bit to think about. Filled with Burrough's personality, you really do feel like you've snooped through his belongings and are thumbing through his journal while he's out at the store in certain parts. Defenitly worth picking up.

- Submitted by Mary on August 24th, 2005


"Covenent Creatures" - Jack Off Jill 

This is in no way a new cd. Jack Off Jill has been broken up for over 5 years. Their cd's are hard to find though and now I finally have them all...except for some things released before they got signed. This cd is a remix of "Sexless Demons" along with a few extras. I love it. The slower songs are given good drum beats which speeds them up a little, and Jessika's voice has some different effects on it which is a nice change. Every aspect of the songs have been mixed, edited, and mixed some more, nothing sounds exactly like it does in the original versions. There are also two hidden tracks on the cd where as their other's only have one. A must have for Jack Off Jill fan's or people wanting to hear something different for a change. Their cd's usually sell pretty cheap so if you get the chance, pick it up.                                       

- Submitted by Mary on August 24th, 2005

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